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SRS Information Technology
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#3601 din 3601 de Companii din Electronice & IT
Membru Gratuit din 2018
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SRS Information Technology SRS Information Technology 0746269142 Caimatei, Nr. 6, Bucuresti, Ilfov
Produse si servicii

programare it, proiectare mecanica

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Prestator servicii

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Despre noi
Suntem prezenti pe din 2018!
SRS Information Technology is a company established in 2009 in order to meet a continuously growing demand of resources in production process automation. We are addressing both end customers and engineering companies by offering services of designing and implementing software solutions both at the level of Programmable Logic Controller and at Process Computer level.

Our activity addresses all stages of process automation, from the definition of sensors to process and production control. The product offered is an integrated service that begins by defining the architecture of the system and ends with the training of the operative personnel.

SRS Information Technology operates on three levels of process automation, integrated with each other:
The first level is the Programmable Logic Controller software, which requires specific plant engineering knowledge in order to solve the problems of interfacing with the operating machine. This level is managed using systems based on distributed logic concepts in order to facilitate it's maintenance and the integration with the subsequent level.

The second level is related to Process and Production Control software. This level is designed in such way to provide the operator a natural, efficient, flexible, friendly and secure interface with the system to be managed. The presentation of the information facilitates the immediate highlight of the elements that need intervention.

This function is achieved through integration by the local network on the plant with the first level of process automation.

The third level is gathering information from the subsequent levels into summary reports in order to provide effective management decision capabilities to our clients.

The software solutions used depend on system requirements and on customer's preferences in a such way to ensure the best performance and reliability in industrial envoronments.

Our company provides also specialists in Computer-Aided Design, both in mechanical and electrical domains, thus providing a full circle of services to our clients, covering all aspects of their industrial system.

We are offering quality services both in country and abroad, operating in the following countries: Italy, United Kingdom, China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Saudi Arabia and Turkey.

We have played an active role in a number of international scale projects like CART FP7 besides Italy, Norway, Estonia and Croatia.
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